Sunday, October 7, 2007

This Forum

I decided to start this blog because it seemed like a good, central spot for course information, questions and clarifications about lecture/homework and a place to expand on or summarize things we do in class. I've never used this type of forum for a class before so I have no idea if it is even useful or worth my effort. So far, no one has asked any questions or added any comments -- maybe it's because we aren't far enough long or maybe this isn't the right venue. Maybe it is just easier to watch than participate. Maybe it's because reading/participation isn't assigned or I haven't placed any point values on it (which is against my philosophy, incidentally).

I've decided to keep this blog going until at least Exam 1 and then will reevaluate whether it is worthwhile. An interesting sidenote is that I've noticed from my webcounter that lots of students from other universities seem to be accessing information from this site. Perhaps that is meritorious in its own right.


Anonymous said...

I find these summaries very helpful. It is a great refresher and way to keep track off everything we have been doing.

Anonymous said...

I like it too but I keep forgetting its here. Do you want us to ask you hw questions here? I've always got lot o' hw questions...

rod said...

You can ask hw questions here or you can ask them in person. Either way works for me.